Upcoming Projects

Upcoming Projects

Supporting Our Youth

Brain Bowl (optimistbrainbowl.org) - A trivia competition for middle school students where teams of up to 5 go head to head. They receive a question, and they have 15 seconds to buzz in and attempt to answer the question. Points are awarded to the team that answered correctly. Our volunteers work as the readers, timers, and scorekeepers in each competition room. 

Middle School Citizenship Awards - Each middle school in Boulder nominates a boy and girl from each grade (6-8) who are good students have exhibited good citizenship. We bring them together for recognition and the presentation of plaques.

Youth Appreciation - We identify youth in the community that do volunteer work and honor them with a certificate presentation.

Respect for Law - We identify an individual that has done outstanding work in the area of community service relating to the law such as a sheriff or deputy. 

Precious Child Volunteering - We help out with odd jobs at the Precious Child facility in Broomfield, a youth support organization.

Fundraising Events:
CU Parking - We monitor CU donor parking lots during their football games and receive hourly pay as a donation to fund our other club projects.
Boulder Boulder 10k Race - We help with the race by holding the ropes that separate the waves in this race. They pay us hourly and we use this money to fund our other projects.